Posted: November 2, 2011 in Uncategorized



Posted: May 26, 2011 in Artikel

“Bad Accident”

(because I was not obedient to my parents)

One day, when I was a kid, I have a bad accident. My calf was broken and I can’t go to anywhere, I just stay at home. Sometime I felt so sad because I can’t play with my friends and I couldn’t happy like them when they were play something. And I think I can’t to play football again with my friends because in my town some of the man who has broken his calf can’t to walk normal event if they play football.

When I was a kid, me and my friends always play in the field near from mine where our parents working. In the mine there are always trucks took mining that our parents got from the river. Sometime we helped our parents to take the mining and raised to the truck. One day, in the hot sun when I just came back from school, me and my friends has planed to play in the field near from the school in my town. While we were went to the field, I saw my father passing us up in the street with motorcycle. And he saw us too and then he stopped his motorcycle and came near to me and asked me where you going ??? and I answered that I’m going the field near the school. After knew that I went to the field near from the school, he stopped me and he asked to me go to the garden to accompany him . but I said no I want to go to the field near from the school. And I saw his face was very sad. After that he asked to me to go to the field near from the mine to help my uncle raised the mining to the truck. I was thinking that if I said no again I will make him very sad and I decide comply what he said. And I say yeah…I will go there as soon as I can. After that he continued his travel to the garden. When I was saw him far away I said to my friends that I wouldn’t go the field near from the mine to help my uncle and my friends say “no!!you must go there you’ve told him” and I say “no! I wont” it isn’t your business, your business is stay with me, so we can go to the field near from the school, OK?? and he answered “it is up to you”. After that we continued our travel to the field. While we were walked to the field, I always felt doubtful inside my hearth. After we was in the field, there is no one there and I said where is the people? Even the football team from the neigh town did not come to the field. After that we decided to play football each other. While we were playing I still felt doubtful. So I decided to go to the field near from the mine to help my uncle and my friends is came with me. After I saw a men who raised the mining to the truck alone. And I went to him nearly and I saw that was my uncle and I help him as soon as. While we were raised the mining I saw a little smile in his face and I felt happy to because I did not felt doubtful any more. After that I was very happy because I didn’t disappointing my father.

Me and my friend finally decided to play football in the field near from the mine. And than we go upstairs to the truck and the truck will took us to the field. While the truck on the way to the field suddenly, A cat just cut the street and the driver suddenly brakes and I fall down I hear something broke and I said what is that?? after that I want to stand up but I can’t felt my legs. And I said what happen to my leg?? and slowly I saw my calf was crooked and I say my calf was crooked and one of my friends saw me lying on the ground and he was screaming to my uncle and he came quickly. After that I was fainting and after I woke up I was in the hospital. I still have felt nothing about my calf and than my parents come and I apologies to my father and I was think that may be I will dead soon. In the hospital I hear the doctor was said that I have to moved to the hospital that have more facilities. And I hear my uncle said to my father that I don’t have to moved and he said too that he knew some handyman candidacy and he can made me walk again without operation. I saw my father silent, my be he was thinking that they(my parents) don’t have a lot of money if I have been operation. So they decided to took me home and called the handyman candidacy to take care of me.

Day by day was pass, and still hope that I can walk again. After three month I was have a lot of medicine and s lot of ordinal. Finally I can walk again but just a little. But I’m so glad and after four month I can walk again as normally event that I can play football until now.


Posted: April 28, 2011 in Artikel

well, I will tell about the mores in my Village. I come from Enrekang and my Village named Penja. I don’t know, why it’s named penja? And if I ask my parents, they said that they didn’t know too. In my village, we have several custom we used to held. Some of the custom is Mappanongngo-nongngo. Mappanongngo-nongngo is the event that we used to held when there is baby was born. Usually, Mapanongngo-nongngo held to thank almighty God for the abundance give sustenance. In accordance with its name-nongngo Mapanongngo sort of event to bring offerings to the ancestors who are under a river. In accordance with the local community belief that the ancestors who had died that there would be a crocodile or a newly born twins and one of them dies then he will turn into a crocodile. Back to the execution-nongngo Mapanongngo earlier, Usually we bring offerings to the river to the offer and prior to the offer, usually the village shaman beliefs recited a prayer and after that the offerings in the stream into a river. Usually the content of these offerings in the form sokko 7 fine, free-range chicken eggs that have been on the cob, a traditional chicken dish which is called by bundu-bundu, fried chicken, bananas, and also in the form of fractional coins and paper money. We usually bring offerings to the ancestors at midnight. But, there is no prohibition to bring it in the daytime. But, usually the next day after the ceremony carried on Mapanongngo-nongngo fact that even people scramble to find these offerings within the stream. And most surprisingly we were not banned for it. As you usually go looking for these offerings only children who are still inexperienced and not know anything. That is the procedure of Mapanongngo-nongngo ceremony in my village. There’s also another event that shows mikaju and massumbung. This event is usually held when there is one family member who is getting married, Be it a bridegroom and bride. Because in my village so famous for its solidarity in the draw event and massumbung mikaju to help families who want to hold a wedding. Mikaju event itself is an event where almost of all male citizens go to the forest to find firewood. Previously there was a forgotten, that in my village still uphold the tradition. So every execution of a wedding all at the party aa cuisine in traditional cooking. Therefore, every citizen yyang male sex, go to the forest to find firewood to be used to cook. After mikaju then held Massumbung. Massumbung is the beginning of the mating process that is in all things prepared, both in terms of equipment, events, publications Nor utau commonly called photo. But really, Events Massumbung are events where a tent wedding or commonly called the blue tents. And the most important decoration should be done with traditional tools that exist, for example bamboo, etc.. And as for an event that is in later-would not the the event Cerama’nurun. Cerama’nurun event not held in my village but was held in a village named Kaluppini.Kaluppini is one village that was still in the area Enrekang. In connection with the event cerama’nurun, only held every 4 years. Cerama’nurun event is the event where all citizens should thank god for what they have given during the period of the last 4 years and thus the entire community kaluppini shall kill at least 1000 head of cattle and implemented at the same time or with the word other simultaneously. Usually, the time when the administration almost from all its citizens to visit the village Enrekang Kaluppini. And they all watched the show a very in waiting for it. Usually the event is also attended by foreign tourists. And the local people usually dance with the tourists, both local residents and tourists were foreigners.

Toraja’s indigenous belief system is polytheistic animism, called Aluk, or “the way” (law). In the Toraja myth, the ancestors of Torajan people came down from heaven using stairs, which were then used by the Torajans as a communication medium with Puang Matua, the Creator. The cosmos, according to Aluk, is divided into the upper world or heaven, the world of man or earth, and the underworld. At first, heaven and earth were married, then there was a darkness, a separation, and finally the light. Animals live in the underworld, which is represented by rectangular space enclosed by pillars, the earth is for mankind, and the heaven world is located above, covered with a saddle-shaped roof. Other Toraja Gods include Pong Banggai di Rante or god of Earth, Indo’ Ongon-Ongon or a goddess who can cause earthquakes, Pong Lalondong or god of death, and Indo’ Belo Tumbang or goddess of medicine, there are many more.The earthly authority, whose words and actions should be cleaved to both in life and death, is called To Minaa or an aluk priest. Aluk is not just a belief system, it is a combination of law, religion, and habit. Aluk governs social life, agricultural practices, and ancestral rituals. The details of aluk may vary from one village to another. One common law is the requirement that death and life rituals be separated. Torajans believe that performing death rituals might ruin their corpses if combined with life rituals. The two rituals are equally important. During the time of the Dutch missionaries, Christian Torajans were prohibited from attending or performing life rituals, but were allowed to perform death rituals. Consequently, Toraja’s death rituals are still practiced today, while life rituals have diminished.Toraja people enjoy great longevity-surely something to do with the cool climate and active lifestyle from infancy to old age. They spend their lives growing excellent fragrant rice, raising magnificent buffalo, especially the highly valued pink albino strains. Their work is interspersed with dramatic ceremonies. Harvest festivals and house warming festivals, are times for feasting and a gathering of the clan, times to wear their best costumes and jewellery, bring out the tuak and party for days on end, times for singing and dancing and, of course, eating. These are also times for neighbours and clan members to pay their respects and to pay back obligations that may date back generations.

WORKSHOP Kelembagaan

Posted: April 20, 2011 in Site Info

Sehubungan dengan telah terbentuknya kader-kader baru dalam Lembaga Kemahasiswaan maka dalam waktu dekat ini BEMJ Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Bahasa dan Sastra Universitas Negeri Makassar akan mengadakan WORKSHOP Kelembagaan yang InsyaAllah di laksanakan pada :

Hari/Tanggal : Jum’at, 22-24 April 2011

Tempat           : Benteng Somba Opu

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